看了昨天晚上的奥运会闭幕式,十分骄傲。鸟巢里观众、运动员、领导人、志愿者、演员们......真是有万民同乐的气氛,当然,远不止万人,“民”也不只是中国人。鸟巢外的观者更是不计其数。"One World, One Dream",确实在北京奥运会上体现出来了。比赛16天不长,但作为将北京推向世界的广告,效果甚佳。与其说奥运会的闭幕式是个圆满结局,不如说是带来更多期待的美好开端。

- 16天奥运会期间的直接收益。奥运之前就有报道,“海外入境奥运游客预计45万,在北京消费超4亿美元”。在这些消费之中,旅游业会占很大比例。北京自身拥有很好的文化底蕴和旅游资源,能够充分抓住奥运会带来的契机。
- Word of Mouth (口口相传)。要真正了解一个地方,就必须亲身去那个城市。因奥运来到北京、因奥运认识北京的人,他们的亲身经历和宣传,会比任何旅游宣传片都有说服力。现在是网络社会,Web2.0技术让口口相传有更多途径。说者是一个人,但听者的数量可以成百上千。
- 全世界的媒体报道。很难有盛会能像奥运会这样受到世界瞩目。从北京申办奥运会开始,就有很多的相关报道,之后关于场馆建设和筹备,到奥运会开幕式可以说达到了顶峰。中国有近8.5亿、全球近四十亿人观看电视实况转播。北京毋庸置疑地站在了世界的舞台上。在奥运的八月,网络、报纸、杂志、电视、广播......相关报道更是不计其数。无论是直接的旅游介绍,还是间接的城市报道,都会对旅游业起到推广作用。
- 讨论。媒体的报道是单向的,互动的讨论更为活跃。不可能也没必要让所有的人都说好,只要有讨论,就成为了热点和关注,已经是一种成功。就好像有些电影大片,说好的有人,说不好的也大有人在,但票房成绩却节节攀升。
- 软硬件设施的提高。空气质量、环境、交通、市容市貌、服务人员素质......
- 新的旅游机会。现在的北京,不只有古老的长城、故宫,近代的天安门、胡同,更有现代的鸟巢和水立方。很多旅行社都在忙着开发奥运旅游线路,奥林匹克公园给北京旅游注入了新的活力。
- 中国其他城市旅游。就国外游客来说,中国旅游,往往始于北京却不止于北京,也会借机游览其他的城市,如西安、上海。广义来说,奥运会不仅仅给北京带来了机会,更给中国旅游带来了影响。
Yahoo News: OurExplorer Launches User-Rated Tourist Guide Booking Tool
Explore the World Through Local Eyes: OurExplorer Launches User-Rated Tourist Guide Booking Tool
Thu Jul 31, 3:01 AM ET
Hailed as "the travel service innovation of 2008" by the Irish Times July 16 - OurExplorer facilitates with ease the on-line booking of professional tourist guides from all over the world. Save time and money while you explore your next destination with the wisdom and guidance of a local.
Sydney, NSW, Australia (PRWEB) July 31, 2008 -- Have you ever thought whilst visiting a new destination, "I wonder where the locals eat, drink, fish, ski, shop or party?" OurExplorer suggests its time for us all to stop simply sight-seeing but rather start exploring with the local wisdom and knowledge of a professional tourist guide. OurExplorer has launched a new travel concept in BETA, a user-rated tourist guide booking tool created exclusively for your personal travel needs.
As the global financial crisis still looms, OurExplorer can save travellers hassle and money by getting the maximum out of their overseas adventure with a private tourist guide.Enjoy the insight of the best shopping and value for money dining experiences in a city, directly from a native. Some tourist guides are currently offering special discounted rates and free tour hours on OurExplorer.
OurExplorer promote professional tourist guides only. Pre booking, the traveller can view their experience, license, past client testimonials or even chat with the tourist guide.
OurExplorer launched in July 2008 with now over 400 private tourist guides covering more than 80 countries worldwide -- making it the biggest professional tourist guide directory in the world and growing all the time!
Make your trip overseas unique and full of adventure. You book your flight and accommodation on-line, why not your tourist guide? Get a tourist guide for land (city guide, mountain guide) or sea (diving guide).
Purpose of OurExplorer:1. To help tourist guides increase their income thereby benefiting the local community - especially those in poor countries e.g. Kenya, Mexico and Cambodia.2. Increase cross cultural awareness and acceptance via direct connection with locals e.g. people in USA get the chance to understand those in Pakistan and Israel
"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry but it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends," said Mahatma Gandhi.
"Less than 9.7% of overseas travelers interact in meaningful discussion with a local," according to the Tourism 2020 Vision reported by WTO.
The IMF concluded in March 2007 that "direct support of independent local businesses when you travel has the most positive results on local economy".
"Rather than just donating money, OurExplorer is a sustainable long term solution to help low income families globally," said David Cunningham (Chief Exploring Officer).
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20080731/bs_prweb/prweb1159894_2
Thu Jul 31, 3:01 AM ET
Hailed as "the travel service innovation of 2008" by the Irish Times July 16 - OurExplorer facilitates with ease the on-line booking of professional tourist guides from all over the world. Save time and money while you explore your next destination with the wisdom and guidance of a local.
Sydney, NSW, Australia (PRWEB) July 31, 2008 -- Have you ever thought whilst visiting a new destination, "I wonder where the locals eat, drink, fish, ski, shop or party?" OurExplorer suggests its time for us all to stop simply sight-seeing but rather start exploring with the local wisdom and knowledge of a professional tourist guide. OurExplorer has launched a new travel concept in BETA, a user-rated tourist guide booking tool created exclusively for your personal travel needs.
As the global financial crisis still looms, OurExplorer can save travellers hassle and money by getting the maximum out of their overseas adventure with a private tourist guide.Enjoy the insight of the best shopping and value for money dining experiences in a city, directly from a native. Some tourist guides are currently offering special discounted rates and free tour hours on OurExplorer.
OurExplorer promote professional tourist guides only. Pre booking, the traveller can view their experience, license, past client testimonials or even chat with the tourist guide.
OurExplorer launched in July 2008 with now over 400 private tourist guides covering more than 80 countries worldwide -- making it the biggest professional tourist guide directory in the world and growing all the time!
Make your trip overseas unique and full of adventure. You book your flight and accommodation on-line, why not your tourist guide? Get a tourist guide for land (city guide, mountain guide) or sea (diving guide).
Purpose of OurExplorer:1. To help tourist guides increase their income thereby benefiting the local community - especially those in poor countries e.g. Kenya, Mexico and Cambodia.2. Increase cross cultural awareness and acceptance via direct connection with locals e.g. people in USA get the chance to understand those in Pakistan and Israel
"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry but it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends," said Mahatma Gandhi.
"Less than 9.7% of overseas travelers interact in meaningful discussion with a local," according to the Tourism 2020 Vision reported by WTO.
The IMF concluded in March 2007 that "direct support of independent local businesses when you travel has the most positive results on local economy".
"Rather than just donating money, OurExplorer is a sustainable long term solution to help low income families globally," said David Cunningham (Chief Exploring Officer).
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20080731/bs_prweb/prweb1159894_2
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